Thursday, September 12, 2013


Tonight's topic at Wild Dog School was crate training and housebreaking.  I'm not really having too much trouble with either of those, though Marty and Lyle need to do a better job of giving me chances to pee on the grass.  Sometimes they forget that when I get really excited from playing I need extra breaks.  Just to make a point, I peed in dog school tonight.  Marty didn't think it was as funny as I did!

I played all night with one of my classmates.  She's a cockapoo.  She's about 12 pounds, but she *looks* almost as big as me because she's so fluffy.  Her name is Zoey, and Marty thinks it's funny that I think she's cute.  Apparently Lyle thinks some human named Zoey is cute too.

I wasn't as obnoxious as last week, and Miss Laura says that I definitely don't need to do two sessions of puppy kindergarten.  (Marty says it's possible she's just saying that because I'm so rotten she doesn't want me around any longer than I have to be.)

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