Thursday, September 5, 2013

Success At Dog School!

I made a new friend tonight at dog school!  Her name is Billie and she's a Miniature Pinscher.

After playtime we worked on making our humans run away so we can go to them.  I've actually got Marty and Lyle trained pretty well on this already, so I did better than a lot of the other dogs in school.  Also, most of the other dogs get distracted and want to come say hello to me.  I do not want to say hello to them, so I am a lot less distracted.  Now if they had tennis balls, that would be a whole different problem.  

Okay, if no one makes fun of me for having to play with the tiniest dog in the class despite the fact that my very best friend is a grown up Anatolian Shepherd, you can see this really cool video Marty took of me playing with Billie after class.

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