Monday, September 30, 2013

Finishing Puppy Kindergarten

Thursday night was also my last Puppy Kindergarten session.  There were two black labs there for their first time.  Since they didn't know that I usually like to hide under chairs during playtime, I tried to show them that I am tough.  Pretty much everyone laughed at me, which I thought was very rude.  Marty said she had forgotten how cute black lab puppies are, and I was a little jealous at first, but then I remembered I am cuter than any dumb lab (and way more awesome).

The topic of the night was "handling", which apparently means, "letting humans maul you for no good reason".  I was not a fan.  I am training Marty to give me treats while she's putting stuff in my ears, and I ignore her when she squeezes my feet, and I let her take the goobers out of my eyes and only chomp on her a little, but this is all in the privacy of my own house.  I do not think she needs to be doing that IN PUBLIC, and I DEFINITELY do not think OTHER HUMANS should be allowed to touch me like that.

The kindergarten teachers gave Marty a lot of homework about handling things we should work on, but Marty said I am a Chessie and we need to manage expectations a little.  She does think we should work on people touching my collar and me being okay with it, but I don't really agree.  I guess this is especially important because my grandhuman likes to do that, but I think maybe she should just find more polite ways to get my attention (perhaps, CHICKEN?!).

Because Puppy Kindergarten has rolling admission, my last class was anticlimactic.  I will be going back in a few weeks for Puppy Basic though, which I think is not a good use of my time, since I already know the basics, but Marty says we need to "generalize", whatever that means.

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