Monday, September 30, 2013

Yet Another Grandhuman!

Saturday morning when we got up we had to get in the car AGAIN and go to see Lyle's dad.  I have FIVE grandhumans!  Lyle's dad lives in a place like where my second great-grandhuman lives.  I got to go inside, and just like when we met my great-grandhuman lots of people were excited to say hello to me.  This place is better than that one though, because they have their own resident dog that lives there.  Her name is Biscuit.  Even though she's a big dog, she's smaller than me.  She's about the size of my friend Cocoa that lives across the street.  My grandhuman has a cat that lives with him (I don't know why, he seems like a pretty good human otherwise) so I didn't get to go into his room.  I stayed where the couches and tv and kitchen are a
nd showed off my tricks for the other humans.  They were SO IMPRESSED.

My grandhuman really liked me a lot and he gave me a lot of treats and said I'm a good dog.  He's allowed to go on adventures, so we went out.  (Yes, you guessed it, BACK IN THE CAR.)  First the humans had to buy some things, so I had to wait in the car.  After they finally got done with that, they went to get lunch and I had to wait AND THEY DIDN'T BRING ME ANY!  They were taking a long time, so Marty came outside to check on me and make sure I had a drink and wasn't too hot.  That was good, but it would have been better if she'd brought me something from the restaurant.  Obviously I still have a lot of work to do with them.

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