Monday, September 23, 2013

How To Play With Your Humans

My lazy slug humans went back to bed after I got up Saturday morning.  Even though I told them that we should go to the farm or go hiking or do SOMETHING!  The only good news is that they decided that since I've been so good lately, I could stay out of the box.  I was perfect, and just played with my own chew toys.

Humans are funny, they want to wear pretend fur all the time, and they won't even go out for just a minute until they have it on.  This presents fun opportunities for enterprising puppies like me.  Since I have been so good lately, the crazies have started to let their guard down.  They don't even hide the basket of fake fur that they keep in the corner.  (I do not understand what the deal is with humans and their fake fur.  They have way more than they need and they change it every few hours.  But that's a subject for another post.)

So here's how to play the game.  Wait until your humans are just getting out of the shower and don't have any fake fur on.  This ensures you'll get a good headstart, because they won't chase you without anything on.  Grab something from the basket in the corner.  Run as fast as you can and go somewhere with as many windows as possible.  Enjoy your special toy until they find you, then play keep away for as long as you can.  Make them give you a really yummy treat to trade for whatever you took.

The humans run really fast and make a lot of noise, so I am pretty sure they love this game too!

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