Monday, September 2, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy (Napping)

Today was insane.

I got up early and Marty and I played fetch outside.  She plays with a whole bunch of tennis balls so that if I don't bring one back she can still throw another.  I'm training her not to throw the ball until I sit, but it's tricky.  I'm still jumping around a lot to try to confuse her, but she's getting better.

I've finally found something I like better about the little house than the farm.  At the little house we have air conditioning.  It is SO HOT here.  So hot that after yesterday's big walk and all the excitement that I was just about too worn out to do anything at all today.  I curled up with my rabbit and took a long nap this morning.

Marty woke me up from my nap to introduce me to my Aunt Janet and Uncle Jon.  They're pretty cool, but I was still very sleepy, and so I didn't play with them.  I did go outside and let them admire me for a little while, but that was it.  They invited me to come visit at their house and meet their cats.  Marty says that's a good idea, and she's trying to pick a time we can fit it into the calendar.

 Aunt Janet's dad is the guy that came over for hot dogs last weekend. (Remember that?  When I didn't get any?)  He came over too and HE BROUGHT ME MY OWN TRACTOR!  It squeaks and I love it.  I'll put a picture of it up soon, but I'm keeping it to myself for just a little bit longer.  He didn't stay as long as Aunt Janet did, but he came back after a little while (I was napping again) to help with the lily pond project that I've been supervising.

So Marty and Lyle and tractor guy (the crazies call him Steve, but he'll always be tractor guy to me) worked on the lily pond for a while.  I mostly stayed in the shade so I could direct appropriately.  Did I mention it's HOT up here?  It was a very dirty job and Marty got down in the muck to fill buckets with mud that had accumulated over all the years since anyone did this.  She was actually standing in the muck!  Did I get to get in there and play?  Of course not!  It took them a long time, but they finally got the whole lily pond all the way emptied out.  Allegedly, they're going to fill it back up and then they're going to put fish in it. I think once they get water in it, I will try swimming again.  

When we were finally done messing with the lily pond (and after they took showers to get the wonderful stinky smells off of them), we went to Aunt Becky's!  I love Aunt Becky!  This time my grandhuman was there too, along with a big scary guy that is my other grandhuman.  Aunt Becky had warned me about him, so I was prepared.  Now the stories I've heard about Mr. Tripoli make a lot more sense.  I decided to be shy to get them to give me treats.  It worked.  The crazies put me in my box and everyone left me, but I was so happy to be in air conditioning again that I didn't even fuss.  When they got back we played for a long time and they all told Marty that I am not rotten.  I enjoy making everyone think I'm sweet and handsome so that they don't believe Marty when she tells them about some of my tougher training methods.

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