Monday, September 30, 2013

More At Savage River

When we got up this morning, a magic elf had come to our cabin and delivered a picnic basket.  I know it was a magic elf, because if it had been a human I would have heard them.  The picnic basket smelled SO YUMMY, so I helped bring it in right away!

When we opened the picnic basket there was a Bodhi biscuit in it for me!  It was the best biscuit I have EVER tasted.  There was some stuff for Marty and Lyle too, but I ignored that because my Bodhi biscuit was AMAZING.  Next time we come, I am making Marty and Lyle get me a whole package of them.

Pretty soon after breakfast we had to pack up.  Even though I wanted to stay at the cabin forever, Marty said that we could only stay for one night this time but that we can come back soon.  I have to admit, it has been a long time since I've slept at home.

When we were leaving, Marty took my picture by the sign for our cabin.  (It was too dark last night.)  Our cabin was named for a very cool dog named Boggus.  There's a little book about him in the cabin with some pictures.  Maybe someday when I'm a big dog, I'll get my own cabin too.

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