Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Walking With Mr. Tripoli

Marty had a meeting that I couldn't go to today, but it was okay, because my grandhuman stayed at the little house and I got to play with Mr. Tripoli.  I even snuck some big dog food while she was in the shower.  Mr. Tripoli eats too much anyway, and I was just trying to help out.  I tried to convince my grandhuman that I would eat another bowl for him, but she was mean and wouldn't let me.  I really like big dog food!

After Marty got back, we went for a walk together.  It was HORRIBLE.  Mr. Tripoli got to walk with Marty and I had to walk with my grandhuman.  My grandhuman needs A LOT of training.  I pulled AND I barked and she did not give me chicken for that.  I think she needs to go back to school.  Mr. Tripoli gave Marty an advanced course in walking.  She thinks she's so well trained because she can walk with me now, but she did NOT do a good job walking with him.  He pulled ALL THE TIME and she barely gave him any cheese at all.  I finally had to convince my grandhuman to let me walk beside Mr. Tripoli so I could check on how Marty was doing.  It was better after that, but still bad.  I think Marty should take Mr. Tripoli to school but she says she is already too busy with just me.

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