Monday, September 23, 2013

Being A Big Dog

I have finally convinced the crazies to start giving me the big dog privileges that I deserve.

After I puked on Marty (not really, this time she was ready with a towel) on Thursday morning, she decided that I am too big to ride on laps any more, so now I get the WHOLE BACK SEAT.  I don't want the crazies to know, but I do miss being up front a little.

Also, my new crate is kind of a hassle to take apart and put in the car if we don't really need it, so since we were only going to the farm for one night this time, we didn't bring it.  Which meant, I GOT TO SLEEP OUT OF THE BOX. I was really excited for this, but it turns out it's a little scary and cold.  Even though I was asleep downstairs by Marty's feet for about three hours before she took me upstairs to bed, I cried so much that eventually I GOT TO SLEEP WITH MY HUMANS!  Note to self: the long con is working.

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