Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Tonight I had my favorite dog school where we practiced walking near cornfields and running really fast to our humans.  I have convinced Marty that this is a big deal, and I deserve a  meatball, not just chicken, so I'm pretty happy to cooperate even when there are giant distractions like horse poop, other dogs, and corncobs.  We also practiced climbing up on rocks.  This is relevant later on.

When we got to the farm after school, Mr. Tripoli and my grandhumans were there!  Two days in a row with Mr. Tripoli!  Mr. Tripoli and I traded rawhides back and forth for a while, and then he went under the table while the humans ate.  Apparently, he doesn't know that if you go away and make some noise first, then your humans will give you kibble if you just sit by them while they're having dinner.  I tried to teach him, and I did make Marty give him some kibble.

After dinner Mr. Tripoli was tired (probably from trying to teach Marty advanced leash walking skills) and he growled at me for climbing on him. My grandhuman yelled at him, but Marty said that growling is okay, and I need to learn!  Rude.  Pretty soon Mr. Tripoli had to put my other grandhuman to bed.  I wanted to go to bed too, but Marty made me stay with them while they were playing that game about peeing on knuckles again.  I don't know why they think that game is so fun.  From where I sit, it is boring, boring, boring.

Since they weren't paying attention to me, I decided it would be a good time to practice my homework.  (Remember we learned about climbing on rocks today.)  I went through the kitchen and climbed up on a chair so I could get to the washing machine.  My grandhuman put Mr. Tripoli's food up there so I wouldn't get it, but remember I said he needs to eat less anyway.  (Marty also puts the trash up there, but I'm saving that adventure for another time.)  Big dog food is SO YUMMY!

Marty came in to check on me and instead of telling me how good I was for doing my homework without her reminding me, she yelled, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" and made Lyle and my grandhuman come look at me.  I thought they would be proud of me, but it turns out they weren't.  They did laugh a lot, but I think they were laughing at Marty, not at me.

After that, Marty put my leash on me INSIDE, which I thought was totally uncalled for, and made me lie down while they finished their stupid game.  I was pretty full and pretty tired though, so I just took a nap.

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