Monday, September 30, 2013

Going To A Bar

After we dropped my grandhuman back at his place, we went back to my other grandhumans'.  I got to meet my human cousin, Kyle.  He's awesome.  He has a dog at home that has obviously trained him really well because he is a champion squirrel thrower.  He's also a very good nap partner.

I only got a short nap, because pretty soon the crazies and my grandhumans and Kyle and his parents all decided to drive up to a lake and get some food.  I had to ride along, of course.  It's a good thing I did, too, because they went to a bar that ALLOWS DOGS!

Bars are awesome!  People drop food, there are ducks, there are big giant fish that jump out of the water, and everyone has a really good time.  I understand why humans like them so much.  There was another dog that's a regular.  His name is Ammo and he's a Puggle.  He showed me the deal, but then he had to go home, so I held down the fort.  I also got to meet my Uncle Morgan and another human cousin, Amanda.  It was a really good night, and it only would have been better if the crazies had let me swim.

By the time we got home everyone was tired and we went to bed pretty soon.  I got to sleep in the bed again!

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