Saturday, September 7, 2013

Another Great-Grandhuman

When we finished at the park, we got back in the car (AGAIN) and went to meet my other great-grandhuman.  She lives in a place that smells funny and has lots of people.  It was kinda weird, because some of the humans where she lives have wheels instead of legs, and some of them have extra things they walk with.  I was a little confused, but Marty and Lyle said it was okay.  A lot of humans wanted to say hi to me, and Marty let them.  A few humans looked at me like I didn't belong there, but I'm not sure Marty noticed that.

When we finally got to my great-grandhuman's room she fed me some liver treats.  (Liver is not as good as ham or chicken, but still very yummy.)  After the liver, I was so tired I took a nap for a long time.  My great-grandhuman said I can come back and visit any time.

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