Monday, September 30, 2013

Puppy Playtime In Columbus

After the humans had talked for a long time and had a snack (no snacks for me, bad humans), the crazies decided they had worn out my grandhumans, so we drove over to this neat mill thing and went for a walk.  When we first got there, there was a Border Collie name Zoey doing really cool dock dives.  I am definitely not brave enough to try that yet, but maybe someday.

When Zoey left, I decided it was safe enough for Marty to be off the leash.  I splashed around in the water for a while and got nice and muddy and then we practiced the crazies giving me treats when I run REALLY FAST to them.  They're getting pretty good at this game.

I think there is a big difference between people in the Maryland area and people in the Midwest.  While  Lyle was drying me off so we could get back in the car, some other humans came up to go for a walk. They asked if I was a Rhodesian Ridgeback!  Obviously I am not, but here in Maryland, people who know enough about dogs to know about Rhodesian Ridgebacks would have known I am a Chessie.  I guess there aren't very many of us out in the Midwest.

We were only in the car for a few minutes and then we got out and went hiking.  It was pretty fun, but Marty did some climbing without me that didn't look very safe, so I had to bark a lot at her to tell her to come down right away.

I found this really cool little bowl and I carried it with me for the whole hike.  I was going to leave it there for another dog to play with later, but Marty said I didn't have to clean up all the trash on the trail, but that since I played with the bowl for so long, the least I could do was pack it out.  So we brought it home!

After we got done hiking, we went back to my grandhumans'.  The humans mostly just talked, and I was bored, so I chewed on my wolverine and went outside to search for cat poop.  When Marty took me to bed, she didn't even bring the crate in!  I got to sleep in the bed and I didn't have to fight for it!

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