Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fido On The Farm

I started my next class tonight, it's so fun!  We go outside, and then we practice running AS FAST AS WE CAN to our humans.  There are five other dogs in my class, but I'm the youngest!  My other classes are all for puppies, so it's kinda nice to have this one with big dogs too.  I'm still having some trouble getting Marty to keep up on the leash, but when it was my turn to run to my human I was the fastest one in class!  Miss Pat says Marty should treasure that.  Marty should give me more credit for being as awesome as I am.  Apparently Miss Pat is a very famous human.  Marty said she wrote a book that every dog should make their human read.  That book is why Marty drives me all the way up for my good dog classes instead of just taking me somewhere closer.

Miss Pat says I'm lovely.  She said that I got very lucky with my humans, but she doesn't know that they're really pretty rotten, I just have been working hard with them.

Now that I have Wednesday night classes too, we get to spend even more time at the farm, which is okay by me.

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