Monday, September 30, 2013

Staying At A Hotel

When we got in the car after finishing Puppy Kindergarten on Thursday, I thought we were going home, but we didn't!  We drove for a really long time (I mostly slept), and then we got to some weird place with a little room and two beds that smelled funny.  (The room smelled funny, not the beds, well, the beds did too, but I meant the room.)

Marty tried to get me to sleep on my bed like I have been at home, but this place was weird, and I didn't like it, so I was fussing to get into bed with the crazies.  Marty brought my crate in and expected me to sleep in that, as if that were going to happen.  I barked to let her know that was completely ridiculous and instead of ignoring me like she usually does, she took me right out and let me get in bed.  (Note to self, experiment with this strategy again soon.)

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