Monday, September 16, 2013

Another Vet Visit

I was pretty exhausted all day, so I didn't do much.  Marty tried to drag me out for a walk, but I said NO WAY!

After lunch we had to go back and see Dr. Richards for my next shot.  I was so good in the waiting room even though there were several other dogs there making noise and being bad.

I weigh 23.5 pounds now, that's almost double what I weighed when I first went to live with Marty and Lyle.

I got another puppy shot, which stung a little, and then I got microchipped, which REALLY HURT.  It even made me bleed some.  I wanted to leave right then, but Marty wasn't very sympathetic.  Apparently, if I ever lose Marty or Lyle, I can have someone scan my chip and they'll get a number to call so I can get them back.  I guess that's important, I'm putting a lot of time and effort into these humans and I wouldn't want to have to start over with new ones, but I don't understand why I had to be the one to get impaled.  After all that I was tired enough I went to sleep right on the exam table.

More bad news from the vet, my ears have gunk in them so I have to have Marty start putting stuff in them every night.  My itchy skin isn't all the way better, so Dr. Richards said Marty needs to keep giving me baths (YUCK!) and put Neosporin on any spot that gets scratched open.  AND I HAVE WORMS!  Dr. Richards gave Marty some stuff to put on my food for a few days and that will clear it up.  I'm trying to convince Marty to use ice cream.

On the way out, we saw a cute human (Marty said he was cute) in the lobby with his chocolate lab.  He was 18 weeks old (the puppy, I don't know how old the human was) and very bouncy.  I don't think he'll get to be as big as Mr. Tripoli, but he seemed like a good dog.  Marty liked his human because he knew I was a Chessie and didn't ask if I was a lab.

We had dog school again tonight and I was really good.  Mostly only because I am still so tired from hiking, but that's okay.  We got Sonic again on the way back to the farm, so the day is ending on a good note!

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