Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Training Lyle To Walk On A Leash

Marty and I are working together to train Lyle.  When you have your human on a leash, it's important that they don't pull on you.  That means they have to pay a lot of attention, not just stroll along doing whatever they want.  We've been working hard on this, ever since I first got them, but they're still not that good at it.  Lyle is even worse than Marty.

So last night at dog school I worked with Marty on it some more.  She's getting better, but she needs to give me treats faster.  Tonight I took Lyle to school.  (First I took Marty out for a long practice walk.  I figured Lyle wasn't ready to handle me at full speed.)  This is what it's like to work with Lyle. See me watching him?  See him staring off into space?  WHY DO DOGS EVEN HAVE HUMANS?

Eventually he managed to switch his brain back on, and so we were able to actually do some training.  Here I am trying to get him to keep up.  I've told you before they're lazy slugs.  I'm not even walking fast here.

Our teacher for this class said I was too advanced for the boring fence aisle, so I moved Lyle to the toy aisle.  I really had to work with him, because he only wanted to pay attention to the toys (there were a lot of cool toys, but we were supposed to be working), but eventually he remembered he's supposed to give me a treat every time I look at him.

 It's a good thing I'm so patient, but I think there's hope for him yet.

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