Monday, September 30, 2013

More Grandhumans!

Friday morning we got up and left the weird place.  We had to go BACK in the car for a long time.  Marty and I both slept.  The crazies have a new thing they put in the car for me.  It's supposed to keep me from getting into the front with them but it really doesn't.

It does present interesting opportunities for me to play "fish caught in a net" though, which the crazies find very funny.

When we FINALLY got out of the car we were at Lyle's mom's house.  I got to meet two new grandhumans!  I didn't even know I HAD so many grandhumans!  I was pretty tired from the drive, so I took a nap while all the humans talked.  Even though I slept in the car, travelling is stressful, and besides, usually on Fridays during the day I have to rest and be quiet while the crazies are at work.

My new grandhumans seemed happy to meet me, and they gave me treats even though I was a little shy.

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