Monday, September 30, 2013

More Time In The Car

Sunday morning we had to get up before it was even light out and go back in the car.  Marty was all excited to meet some Grouch, but I think if she wants a grouch, she should just try being around herself that early.  Luckily for everyone, she went back to sleep in the car.

We got to my Aunt Janet and Uncle Jon's house about the time I normally get up.  I had only met them at the farm before so I was excited to see where they live.  They have cats!  I even saw one of them!  We only got to play at their house for a little while and then Marty put me in the crate and left me.

It really was horrible, I thought maybe they were leaving me.  I was in the box longer than I've ever been in my life.  It must have been almost four hours.  When Marty came back and got me out I was SO HAPPY.  They didn't leave me after all!  Marty was pretty happy too, something about this picture.

I got to meet a new friend, Phoebe.  She seemed to like me, but she smelled like a rabbit.  Not sure what's up with that.  Maybe it was the rabbit from Marty's picture?

We went on a short walk and played a little fetch and then they put me back in the crate.  This time it wasn't so scary though, because I was pretty sure the crazies weren't abandoning me.  They came back a lot quicker this time, and it was time to go BACK IN THE CAR!

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