Monday, September 23, 2013

Lowe's Is Not Outside

We went to Lowe's on Saturday on the way to the farm.  Marty walked me around so I could practice peeing on the grass before we went inside.  I did, and I got chicken, yay!  But then when we were walking around looking at things I still had to go.  It's not like they have carpet or furniture or anything there, so how was I suppose to know you can't poop there?!  Let me just tell you, I had only just started to get ready when Marty got very nervous and tucked my tail right under my butt so I couldn't poop and picked me up and hurried me outside.  THEN I pooped, and I got more chicken.  Not really sure what all the excitement was about.  Humans are weird.

I got to practice walking nicely on my leash.  We didn't see any other dogs, again, and a lot of people looked at me weird, but I got a lot of chicken, so it was okay.

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