Tuesday, September 10, 2013

All I Do Is Go To School

So once we got back from the beach on Sunday, we drove up to my Uncle Rob's.  He made me shish kebabs, but Marty wouldn't even let me have ONE.  AND THEY WERE CHICKEN!  I was good, and I showed him my tricks, and I didn't pee in his house and I still didn't get any.  Marty and Lyle gave me some other treats, but I wanted kebabs.  I even put my feet up on his table so I would be closer, but they still wouldn't let me have any.  I'm probably going to stay with Uncle Rob for a few days in November, maybe I can get him trained then.

Last night we had dog school.  I was very distracted and wouldn't even show Miss Jessica how nicely I have Marty and Lyle trained to give me treats for sitting and lying down.  I worked a little on teaching them to walk nicely on a leash, but we still have a lot of work to do on that.  After class Miss Jessica put Little Foot behind a fence so that I couldn't overwhelm her.  After Hudson went home, I ran around and tried to show her that I could be a good playmate.  I'm so cute!

After school we went to Sonic, my favorite place.  This time was even better than last time!  The Sonic human asked Marty if I would like a dog treat.  (I told Marty to say yes or I would bark all the way home.)  When they brought me a dog treat, IT WAS A WHOLE BOWL OF ICE CREAM WITH A BISCUIT IN IT!

We went to the farm, and the wildlife cam is finally taking good pics again, but I still wasn't on any.  We did get pics of a lot of deer and a big, fat raccoon.  When I am a big dog, the vermin trespassing on my farm are going to have to think twice!  So far I am only patrolling for worms and bugs, but pretty soon I will be big enough to start taking care of the place.  Marty said she would appreciate it if I didn't start with skunks!

We had to come back to the little house today and tonight I had new dog school.  At my Monday night school I work on training Marty, but this class I work on training Lyle.  There are two other puppies in my class, but one of them was absent tonight.  The trainer thinks *I* am the outgoing one!  The other puppy's name is Walter, and he might be some kind of a Border Collie mix.  I have reservations about this class, but Lyle needs a turn, so we'll stick it out for six weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Anzio, I'm so glad you got to meet Uncle Rob. He is the coolest!! Don't worry, he's not used to full time guests, so I'm sure he'll leave treats where they are accessible to you when you stay with him in November. If you can reach it, it's fair game. If I were you, I would check the counters, especially when he accidentally falls asleep watching tv which is pretty much a sure thing.

    Glad you finally got icecream. I told Marty to get you some at Sonic, but she didn't listen. I'm sure you're used to that by now! At least Sonic overruled her. HAHA! They're opening a Sonic by me, so once it's open you and I can sneak out and fill you up with icecream before dinner without Marty knowing. We'll tell her we're just going to wash your paws!
