Sunday, September 8, 2013

Beach Time

My humans and my grandhumans took me and Mr. Tripoli to the beach today.  I've never seen so much water!  The ground there is really squishy and soft too.  Marty says it's called sand.  I'm not sure if I like it.  It's okay for my feet, but it got all in my fur and everything too.  I was so sandy that when we got home, Marty put me in the shower with her again.  I like showers better than baths, but not much!

Mr. Tripoli went all the way in the water, but I decided it was safer to stay in the shallow part.  Mr. Tripoli let my grandhumans off the leash, but Marty and Lyle are not reliable enough yet for me to trust them around that much water and that many people, so I made them hold onto me.  Marty said that Mr. Tripoli really doesn't have my grandhumans trained enough to let them go either, but I guess Labs are more relaxed about these things.  I am trying to get Lyle to pick me up and carry me here, but he wouldn't because I was all wet and sandy.

We made a new friend.  Actually, Mr. Tripoli made a friend, and then I got dragged over to say hello.  (His name Sonny.)

You know what else they have at the beach?  Shore birds!  Marty and I chased some, but she needs to get a lot faster if we're going to catch any.

We didn't get to stay very long, apparently humans get something called "sunburn", but Marty said we are going to the beach for a whole WEEK in October and I can play in the water every day.

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