Monday, September 2, 2013

Ice Cream!

So Marty and Lyle had to go back to Lowe's (Marty says Lyle planned it that way) to get some more stuff for the lily pond project.  I got to go along, which was fine.  Marty says that I am being socialized, but really, I just like the chicken.  Plus, I needed to be sure they picked out the right kind of gravel.  After all, if I'm going to be swimming in this pond, I need to be sure they've got it set up right.  We saw lots of humans, and some human puppies at Lowe's, but no other dogs.  Marty says that dogs are allowed at Lowe's, but I am starting to believe that Marty takes me places that other humans don't take their dogs.  Whatever, when my humans aren't being jerks, they're awesome.  I showed them the right kind of rocks to get, but they almost got another kind anyway, so I had to stand up in the cart and show them.

Marty brings drinks when we go places, you can see them in this picture.  Diet Coke for Lyle, Mt. Dew for her, and water for me.  She says I'm not going to be small enough to drink my water there for very much longer.

After we got done at Lowe's we had to run another errand, but Lyle and I stayed in the car.  After that, Lyle was complaining about "foooooood, waaaatttter" even though Marty brought him a drink.  I think he was mad she didn't give him any chicken.  Maybe he should try being better socialized at Lowe's.  Anyway, he was making such a fuss that we got to go someplace and get chicken and milkshakes.  I have finally trained them enough to know that I get food too!  I GOT ICE CREAM!

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