Thursday, December 26, 2013

Taking Presents To My Great-Grandhuman

My one great-grandhuman came down from the farm to Mr. Tripoli's and he got his presents yesterday, but my other great-grandhuman couldn't come, so Marty and I went to visit her today after I played with Belle.

I helped Marty make a calendar for her and Joyce wrapped it for us.  EVERY PICTURE IS OF ME!  My great-grandhuman liked it very much and is going to hang it up so she can look at me every day.  (None of the calendar pictures have crazy eyes, but this one does!)

She has a dog that lives with her.  He's a lot like zombie dog, but not quite as stupid.  I was pretty tired from playing with Belle, so I took a break from giving kisses and took a nap.  Marty had to wake me up when she was ready to go, even though my great-grandhuman said it would be okay for me to stay.

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