Friday, December 20, 2013

Good Dog Bad Dog

Yesterday I didn't get to go to the park and I was pretty hyper.  I mugged Dan when he came over to take some pictures of me.  I even got puppy crazies and tried to run laps in the house.  Then I peed on the rug.  Humans need to understand that actions have consequences.  If the crazies don't take me to the park, they should not expect a quiet, peaceful evening at home.

Today we went to the park.  (See how effective my training is?)

Someone left the back gate open, and none of the mammals-with-opposable-thumbs bothered to go close it, so when a new friend walked by I ran out to make sure he knew it was a great day and that all of us playing were very friendly.  Navidson was going to come with me, but Dan was pretty close and he told Navidson he couldn't go.  I was pretty far out of the park, but then Marty started paying attention and called me to come back in.  Remember all the work we've been doing on them giving me treats when I run really fast to them?  Marty tried to give me a WHOLE POCKETFUL of treats for running away from a new friend to come back into the park.  I didn't want the treats though, so we went back to playing ball.  So I figured I was definitely all set for this Santa thing.

When we came back the crazies settled down to be slugs like they like to do, and I wanted to play some more.  They were ignoring me and being mean and so I had to amuse myself.  Yesterday we played with my ornament, and usually I am allowed to play with my toys and they don't get upset, so I took my ornament off the tree and chewed on it.  Marty was really mad and said Santa doesn't bring toys to bad puppies!

So now I have to be on my best behavior for the next few days.  My humans are the worst.


  1. Anzio pal, the true definition of a gift is something given without any strings attached. Therefore, if you wanted to destroy your ornament you were actually completely within your rights......however, it may come across as being disrespectful or ungrateful to those who gave it to appears to me that this may have been accidental damage and that you did not mean to mar your ornament at all....that would be the avenue I would pursue if I were in your shoes......just a thought to get you out of the doghouse so to speak.......

  2. It wasn't accidental, I was tasting it. I tried to convince Marty about your point that since it was mine I could do what I wanted, but she said that is why we can't have nice things.

  3. Stay with your story will hold up in any court in the land......even with an Obama appointed judge...but this a road we DO NOT want to go down.......on a different note you may want to be extra nice to your Aunt Becky the next couple of days....some of her football friends were treated rather rudely by my football friends and I expect she may not be too happy about it.....a few kind words from you may mean extra treats at Christmas......just looking out for you pal.....ho, ho, ho......

    1. Thank Goodness for my Aunt Becky! I am always nice to her, and she always has extra treats for me! I think she likes both of the football guys that were playing, so she's probably okay.

    2. You are SO smart Anzio! It was tough sitting there watching the Ravens lose, but nice to see the Pats playing for a bye. One of your Christmas presents came yesterday, I hope you like it! T-2 until I get to see you!!

    3. AA you are truly surrounded by good people. It is nice to see that your Aunt Becky could accept such an outcome with such grace and civility.....many people would have been swearing and casting aspersions at my friends for doing such a fine job...but wait a minute, those are Eagles fans and you want to STAY AWAY from them at all costs....looks like you going to have a fine Christmas after all.........

    4. I'm not supposed to be friends with Eagles fans (but we make a few exceptions).
