Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Marty is trying to teach me to pick up my toys.  Last week when Miss Laura came to visit me, I showed her how I'm doing.  She took a video for me to share.  Marty says this is a cute trick but not really very helpful yet.  This is the unappreciative attitude I have to deal with all the time.


  1. Diana and I paused Die Hard to watch your video. (That is a very big deal. Diana doesn't usually stop Die Hard for anything.) She makes me put my toys away too. She keeps telling me that they belong in my space, but she doesn't seem to understand that the entire house is my space, so it really shouldn't matter.

  2. Hi Yankee! I know what you mean. My toys are all over the house and if I start to pay attention to something that's (allegedly) not one of my toys, Marty brings one of my toys to me. Doesn't it seem more efficient just to cover the house with them?
