Sunday, December 22, 2013

More Visits From Friends

Marty's friends Janet and Jon came to visit us yesterday.  I mugged them.  Marty says this behavior is not really okay, and that we are going to have to practice having people over so I can learn nicer manners.

I got left in the box for a long time and the crazies didn't bring me any leftovers, so I think I am not the only one that needs to learn nicer manners.

Janet and Jon spent the night and took my present for Tractor Guy when they left.  I'm going to work at being a little more calm the next time they come to visit me.


  1. Doesn't Auntie M understand that being hyper is how we show people that we like them and are excited to see them? It would be worse manners if we weren't happy to see visitors.

    1. I think Marty doesn't like people. I have no idea what her problem is, but she says we have a lot of remedial work to do on polite greetings.
