Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Another Big Party

We had SO MANY HUMANS at the house tonight.  Joyce and Nita were here this morning and they set up A LOT of food (but I only got to do a tiny bit of taste testing).  I didn't have to go in my box at all, the whole day!  At lunch, Marty came home and got me and we went to the park and Navidson was there!  Navidson and I played tug with a frisbee.  Navidson can catch them while they're flying, but I haven't figured that out yet.  While I was taking my nap after park time, guess who got here?  MY GRANDHUMAN!!  I think she comes to all the crazies' parties.

We really did have SO MANY HUMANS here, but I was mostly very well behaved.  Some of the humans I already knew from the beach, and Luna's humans were here, and Dan was here, but most of them were new friends.  I tried to teach them how to give me treats, and some of them even learned.  Marty thinks I was a little too excited and not super polite, but she doesn't actually have friends, so I don't think I need to worry too much about what she thinks.  There was one human puppy that was a little scared of me, so I had to go in my box for a while, but I didn't mind too much because I was really, really tired.

I had a pretty good time, and I was good at helping to clean up, but I think the
party would have been better if H. Bill had been here.

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