Sunday, December 22, 2013

My Human Siblings Are The Best

After Janet and Jon left this morning, my human siblings came over.  We went RUNNING!  I did not have to be nice on my leash and we got to GO FAST.  I think Marty and Lyle should start taking me running.

I got put in the box again so the humans could go get food.  Yet again, I did not get anything.  We apparently have a lot of work to do on training.  When they finally got back, I GOT A PRESENT!  I am starting to like this Christmas thing more and more.  My present had a picture of me on it so I would know it was mine.  Marty didn't let me open it, even though I know how to open presents and could have done it.

It is a special shooter that makes tennis balls fly across the park.  We took it to the park right away so we could test it out.  It's so cool!  Thank you Devin and Koren!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Anzio, you are the luckiest little bro ever (don't tell Uncle Rob!)! Not only did they make a special visit to play with you, but they also gave you an awesome toy wrapped in amazing muppet/Chessie paper. I think your human sibs may be as cool as mine-that says a lot!

    P.S. One more day!!
