Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The best thing ever has happened.  There is a tree INSIDE MY HOUSE!  Joyce and Nita have been decorating our house since last week, putting up stuff mostly outside to make the little house look more like the farm.  It's nice, but it hasn't really affected me that much.  Until today.  Joyce and Nita were here almost all day, and I was allowed to stay out of my box even when no one was watching me.  Then, when Marty and Lyle finally got home we got in the car (which did not make me happy) and we drove to a place that has lots and lots and lots of trees.  The guy there TIED A TREE TO OUR CAR and then we went and got snacks and came home with the tree.

Marty and Lyle rearranged the whole downstairs to make room.  Then they brought in a board that has train tracks on it.  Does this mean we're going to have a TRAIN too?  I helped Lyle make sure everything was ready and then they brought the tree INSIDE.  Let me just say this again, THERE IS A TREE INSIDE MY HOUSE!


  1. Hey Rotten, remember that trees need to be watered regularly. I'm sure this is a "chore" you can help with!

  2. Humans do this once a year. It really is awesome! The best part is they put the tree in a water bowl, and that water tastes sooo good. Definitely drink out of it instead of your normal one. It also provides a nice place to curl up and lie underneath.

  3. Anzio, DO NOT pay any attention to advice from Aunt Becky, There is a reason she is known as Aunt Bad Influence. Inside trees are not depositories for P-Mail as they are not connected to the network. Further, Belle's advice about drinking from the tree stand is not good for puppies as humans put some kind of chemical in the water to make to tree not drop so many needles. Sleeping - oops I mean Guarding the presents under the tree is a good thing. Tripoli

  4. Trip and the grandhumans are very gullible if they believe adding chemicals does anything to stop the trees from dropping needles. My Mommy and Daddy are smarter than that. And the water is delicious. Drink up!

  5. Wow, I really have a lot to learn about this whole living with humans thing. So they bring trees into the house, but we're not supposed to water them... and they put new water bowls down, but we're not supposed to drink out of them... that doesn't make any sense at all. Typical humans! Belle, you got lucky, your humans seem pretty sensible by comparison to mine. (And we already knew the grandhumans have issues.)
