Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Lyle Is Missing

I'm not sure what's going on, but Lyle is gone.  He came home with Marty from wherever they were while I was with the grandhumans, but he went out on Sunday and I haven't seen him since.  He's not even coming home to sleep!  Marty says he just went to visit my other grandhumans and he will be back, but I am concerned.  I heard him on the phone yesterday and I thought he was home, but he wasn't.

Lyle is the designated treat prepper for school.  (Marty is the designated treat giver.)  Without him there on Monday, Marty was not nearly as effective as some other times.  I did a lot of jumping and I even barked twice.  (I didn't pee this week though, I have to keep Marty off balance.)  Next week is another graduation, and I am going to demo my skills at putting my toys away again.  We're all a little excited about this.

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