Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I Got To Meet Yankee

Last Friday we left Mr. Tripoli's to go back to the little house.  There was more room in the car since Lyle wasn't with us, so I didn't hog the backseat quite as much.  I thought we were taking a different way, but we stopped and got out of the car, and guess who was there?  YANKEE!  Yankee is my pen pal that lives in Michigan.  We've been corresponding for a while, but this was the first time I met him.

Yankee's Uncle Brian was there (I met him at the beach) with his dog too, but his dog is old, even older than Mr. Tripoli, and she didn't want to play with us.  I met Yankee's human and his grandhumans!  Yankee's grandhumans have their own dog too.  His name is Mr. Chase, but he says puppies are too much trouble so he didn't come outside to see us.

Yankee and Navidson and I played in the yard for a long time. Yankee likes to play chase more than fetch, so he and Navidson played some while I was fetching.  Then Marty got my shooter ball toy that Devin and Koren gave me and we all took turns running after the balls!  Yankee wants a shooter ball toy of his own!

Navidson and Yankee and I stayed out in Mr. Chase's yard while the humans were inside eating and then we had to go back in the car.  We got to the little house late and we were all so tired we slept all night and almost all of Saturday.  I hope I get to play with Yankee again soon!

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