Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I Miss Lyle

When Lyle is not here, I don't get nearly as much playtime in the morning because Marty is a lazy slug and likes to sleep as late as possible.  I made her make up for it after work yesterday.  WE PLAYED FETCH FOR FOUR HOURS!  We had to play inside because we were at the little house, but still.  A couple of times I let Marty have a short break while I worked on my puzzle.  I wanted Marty to video that, but she said her phone had to be plugged in because it had a dead battery.  I bet Lyle's battery wouldn't have been dead.  I like to help Marty get better at fetch by putting the ball under things.  Marty likes to put the ball in the platypus when she retrieves it instead of throwing it right away.  It used to take me a long time to get the ball back out, but I am getting a lot better at it.  Lyle doesn't make me dig the ball out of the platypus.  Usually Lyle helps me keep Marty from being too hyper, but since he is gone, I have to do it all myself.  It's an exhausting job and I hope he gets home soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Anzio! Yeah, I can only imagine how horrible it is without your Lyle. I think if you start peeing all over the house (esp. in places that are tough to get to to clean up) Marty will demand Lyle come home soon to play with you! Ready, set, start peeing!
