Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Is Exhausting!

I am only now recovering enough to update my blog.  We had a very exciting time, but wow, I am just worn out.  I had a lot of playing to do, and a lot of traveling, and a lot of supervising humans.  AND Navidson has been visiting the whole time, so we wear each other out pretty well too.

Lyle got home on Sunday night with a BIG truck full of MORE stuff.  I think maybe he was helping Santa.  Now our garage is very full, and Marty says we do not have room for more toys.  I think that just means she needs to get rid of some of hers.

Marty told Navidson on Sunday that he will be staying with us another week or so because Dan is not feeling good and is staying with Navidson's grandhumans for a while.  Navidson was a little upset when Marty told him, but I AM SO HAPPY (except a little bit sad for Dan).

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