Saturday, December 14, 2013

Playing Games With Miss Pat

As all my loyal readers know, I am not a big fan of being in the car.  This is unfortunate, because, judging by how much time she makes us spend in there, I think it's Marty's FAVORITE PLACE EVER.  (My favorite place ever is the beach.)

Marty has been worrying about how much I hate the car for a while, because she doesn't like it when I drool all over everything.  I don't understand what the big deal is, Marty doesn't have a nice car.  Especially the back where I ride.  Definitely not nice, trust me on this.  But Marty has been worrying, so she called Miss Pat and talked about it and yesterday we went to school for a special meeting.  (Marty's worried that I hate being in the car, so she throws me in the car for a long ride to school.  Are you beginning to understand that maybe I am not the problem here?)

I got to hang out in the training center while Marty talked with Miss Pat and Miss Shirley.  I kept looking for Miss Jessica, but she wasn't there!  They were still not paying much attention to me, so I thought that maybe I should try to search for meatballs, but I didn't find any.  Then we went outside and I let Miss Pat give me meatballs for a little while.  When it was Marty's turn to give me the meatballs I decided it was more fun to look at the horses and listen to the windchimes, so Miss Pat decided we could play a different game.

Here is how the new game works:  I get to pull on the leash (which I am not allowed to do) toward the car.  When I think I am close enough, I look at Marty and then Marty throws the ball for me and we run away.  That's it!  Pulling on the leash AND playing fetch?  Best game ever!

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