Thursday, December 26, 2013

Having Fun With Belle!

Aunt Becky and I were just getting ready to leave when Marty got up this morning.  I told Aunt Becky to RUN, but Marty said, "Don't steal my dog."  I think Marty is a little confused about who is in charge of me.  I was going to go, but then my grandhuman reminded me it was not being a good host to leave my friend here, so I stayed.

Marty took me for a playdate at Belle's house without Mr. Tripoli (who gets tired sooner than I do) and without Navidson (who didn't want to go).  Belle taught me a new game.  It's called "I'm going to bite you!"  First Belle chases me and barks at me.  (This used to scare me, but then Belle explained it just means she's excited, so now I'm okay with it.)  Then she tackles me.  Then I turn around and make my ugly face and grab a mouthful of her fur.  Belle LOVES this game!  

Belle really likes to play tug, and she has very cool ring toys for tug, but she doesn't really like fetch (I don't understand either) and so she mostly played tug with Marty while I was fetching.  Belle had an extra fetch toy that goes in the really cool thrower thing (she has one like Navidson, but a little smaller because her yard is not as big as the park) and SHE SAID I COULD TAKE IT HOME!  Belle is so awesome!!  I feel a little bad because I didn't take her a hostess present, but Marty said it was okay just this time.  Belle has a whole lot of very cool toys.  We went through her toybox and I made some notes for Marty for later.

The coolest thing that happened while I was playing with Belle was that A BIRD FELL OUT OF A TREE!  Really, it did.  It almost fell right on top of us.  I was going to check it and be sure it was okay, but Marty grabbed my collar.  I think Belle was going to see if the bird needed help, but Uncle Andrew grabbed her collar too.  Marty and Uncle Andrew were talking to the bird, but I guess the bird didn't want to listen (I don't blame the bird) and so it flew away.  I would like to play with birds more often.


  1. Thanks for coming to visit! I had so much fun! Come again soon; maybe another bird will fall out, and we'll be able to investigate! And I love my card!

    1. I had fun too! I like your toys, thank you again for letting me take one home. I think I will see you again next month.
