Sunday, January 12, 2014

You Won't Believe This

I have another human sibling!  She's Devin's littermate, and I hadn't met her before, but she came over for dinner last night and brought her family.  That is not the surprising part.  The surprising part is:  I HAVE HUMAN NIECES AND A NEPHEW!  They think I am a little scary because I am so big, (I am so big!) but they let me taste their hands anyway.  They tasted like pizza and juice boxes.  I stepped on one of them and knocked the other one over.  Marty apologized and said I am just a puppy and am still learning, but they said I am not a puppy, I am a big dog.  (I am a big dog!)  They are pretty small though.  I guess human puppies must be on REALLY slow growth puppy formula.

I had to go in my box while they were eating (because Marty said mugging H. Bill was bad enough but that I should try to make a good first impression).  It wasn't horrible though, because I got a kong full of cheese.  Then I showed them how good I am at fetch (that's when I knocked one down).  They were pretty impressed (I am really good at fetch).

They watched a movie, but I had to stay on my leash so I wouldn't scare them.  I got to eat a WHOLE wolverine and after they left, I got to clean up popcorn.  I think this was a pretty good visit.

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