Friday, January 17, 2014


Tuesday night we started back to school.  We were running a little late and Lyle was driving fast and I was not feeling good in the car.  Marty wasn't feeling good either, but she didn't throw up.  I did!  When we got to school Lyle had to clean up me and the car.  He said that is why I am not allowed in his car and I only get to ride in Marty's car.  I think it would be better if I didn't have to ride in any cars!

I had to wait in the car while Marty and Lyle went inside to say hi to Miss Jessica.  I WAS SO JEALOUS!  I finally got to go in and search for meatballs.  There was a whole row of boxes and I had to show Lyle which one had the meatballs.  We haven't played with boxes in a LONG time, but I still found the meatballs without any trouble.  Lyle was pretty good too, he figured out what I was trying to tell him right away.

After the boxes in a row, I found meatballs hidden all over the training center.  Miss Jessica has started using spray cheese to glue meatballs onto places that meatballs don't usually go.  I found meatballs hidden on the back of a chair, meatballs hidden on the leg of a chair, and meatballs hidden on an exercise pen!

Nosework is my favorite kind of school.  I wish it weren't so far away!

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