Thursday, January 30, 2014


I'm teaching Marty a new trick.  She's supposed to say, "Bang!" before I lie down on my side.  She does this silly little pointing thing too...


  1. Nice work Marty and AA....that is impressive.......

  2. So awesome to see you last night Big Z! I'm still mad at she who shall not be named for forcing you to go inside instead of you showing off Brussel Sprouts one last time and then getting to come home with me! We'll get them eventually! It was cool to get to see so many of your tactics to get treats. You have that down to an art. One more month and you get to come see me! I'm excited! Maybe Lyle will even hang out with us then, but I doubt it-he is still jealous of us! Until then, be ROTTEN!!

    1. Hi Aunt Becky! I am always ROTTEN! You don't have to worry about me. I wish you were at Uncle Rob's with everyone else this weekend, but we will have more fun with just us when I come to your house (TO STAY!).

  3. Hey! I know that trick too! It's really fun to do when I'm at home alone with Diana and no one else is around. It's even more fun when she has people over, tells people I can do it, and then I "forget" how. She says we're going to work on "resurrection" next....whatever that is.

    1. Hi Yankee! I pretend not to remember too! It drives Marty crazy! I taught Marty to give me a treat when I get up. It's like double bonus treats. You should convince Diana that you deserve CHICKEN!
