Thursday, January 23, 2014


Lyle told me so!  Lyle has gone to visit my other grandhumans and before he left, he told me that I am in charge, and I need to take good care of Marty.

He also told Marty that if I am going to sleep in his spot, she should put a different pillow case on his pillow.  Lucky thing for him, I gave him pillowcases for Christmas.  (He has not written me a thank you note.  Maybe Yankee should give him lessons.  Of course, I did not write him a thank you note either.  Moving on...)

I have decided that since Lyle left me in charge, we should have some new rules around here!


  1. Can you say, "Spoiled Dog?"

  2. Clearly we need to have another play day so that we can share secrets. Diana is SO MEAN! She won't let me on ANY of the furniture.

    1. Marty made me learn "off" really, really well. And I still mostly sleep on my own bed. I trained them by looking cold and pathetic when I was smaller. Then when they let me in the bed, I snuggled and was really quiet and good. Good Luck!
