Friday, January 17, 2014

Park After Dark

Monday night Marty finally took me back to the park.  We hadn't been to the park since before Navidson came to stay.  (Marty said that with Navidson visiting we had our own park.)  We went to the park AFTER IT WAS DARK OUT!

I had to wear my special collar light, and we played fetch with the two balls that have lights in them and Navidson's Chuckit thrower thing.  I ran ALL OVER the park.

There is some question as to whether we're allowed to use the park after dark, but as I have previously mentioned, Marty sometimes takes me places that are not strictly allowed.  The park has a camera kinda like the one we have at the farm to take pictures of the wild animals.  Marty says she hopes we don't get our picture in the neighborhood newsletter.

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