Thursday, January 23, 2014

The New Protocol For Driving

After Saturday's total failure of a car ride, Marty and I decided we need to make some changes regarding being in the car.  We're still playing games about running toward it and playing catch, but in the meantime, it would be nice if we could just stop going places.  Marty says we can't just stop going places, so this is what we did on Sunday to get back to the little house.

I got special cookies before we left that are supposed to make my stomach less fluttery.  Then, Marty rode in the back and I got to ride in her lap.  And, we opened the window a little so it wouldn't be so stuffy and hot.

I did not throw up!  I did drool through two towels and Marty's jeans, but it was still progress!  If any of the big dogs have advice about this, I would be happy to hear it!

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