Thursday, January 9, 2014


Marty decided that since I am missing Navidson so much, tonight would be a good night for me to get my Christmas present from Aunt Becky.  Aunt Becky gave it to me when we all opened our presents (of course), but Marty said I couldn't have it while Navidson was visiting because we destroy nice things.  Navidson and I did destroy four toys while he was here, but it's okay, that's what toys are for!

Marty says I have some toys that are okay for tug and destruction, but that my nice toys have to get put up when I have friends over.  So that is why I wasn't allowed to have this present for ALMOST A MONTH.  Because my humans hate me.

Anyway, I FINALLY got to open it tonight.  (Marty had to help me unwrap it.)  It's a barn that has COWS in it!  I love cows!  My first new toy that Aunt Becky gave me was a cow.  Unfortunately, Navidson and I killed the part that made it talk a very long time ago, and it was one of the four we totally destroyed while he was here this time.  But now I got new cows from Aunt Becky!  These cows are kinda like my squirrels, but I have to open one of the doors to get them out of the barn.  The squirrels' log doesn't have doors, so it's easier.  

I have made Marty put the cows back in the barn about twenty times already!


  1. Things sound like they are getting back to normal for you AA....the house is quiet, you have your humans to yourself again and new toys thanks to your Aunt Becky....speaking of which, where has she been lately...have not heard much from her this past week or so....better check on her and be sure she is not sick or working too hard......enjoy your new toys......Tornado and Cane send their best......

  2. When he's gets bored there, there is another present for him in FredCo, too

    1. Is this Sherman's human? I have *another* present?? I will be in Frederick on Sunday!
