Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Own Thrower

Yesterday while we were at the park, we gave Navidson's thrower back.  Today when Marty came home to check on me, she gave me special cookies.  I didn't figure it out right away, but those are the same cookies I got on Sunday before we left the farm.  When I remembered, I spit them out and wouldn't eat any more.  She was really trying to fake me out.  She even put on a whole lot of extra fake fur again, so I would think we were going to walk to the park like we did yesterday.  But no!  She made me get in the car!

We went to the food store.  I did not throw up.  I did drool some.  When we got to the store, I picked out rawhides, and then we bought a new thrower for me!  Marty said she has been worrying that I might choke on a tennis ball.  I TOLD her she was being a big worrywort and that I would be CAREFUL.  She said I don't even know what "careful" means.  (I do so.  It means "go faster!".  Humans are always saying it to me when I'm running down the stairs.)

After we were done shopping for toys (after Marty was done... I could have shopped for A LOT MORE toys), we had to pick up some food.  Marty said, "Aren't you glad you came now?"  I was not glad.  Marty can buy food without me there.  Sometimes Joyce brings food back when she has been running errands for us.  And besides, I CAN EAT HUMAN FOOD!

Then we went to check out new boxes (have I mentioned that I am too big for my box now?).  Marty took one just like mine off the shelf and set it all up and told me to get in.  So I did.  Hey, she carries treats!  It's a lot bigger and I thought we were going to buy it, but we didn't!  Maybe Marty has finally fallen for my campaign to let me stay out of the box!

Guess where we stopped on the way back from the food store?  THE PARK!  I was so excited!!  We got to play with one of the
new balls.  It's easier for Marty to see when I don't bring it back (she needs exercise too!) and it bounces REALLY well.  As you can see, I will not be choking on it.


  1. Look who is getting very big......and really look great, or should I say Awesome......

    1. I thought you would appreciate this picture! Marty thinks I am still somewhat on the small size, but so is she!
