Thursday, January 9, 2014

I Miss Navidson!

Last night, Dan came over and picked up Navidson and took him back to his own house.  I sat at the door and waited for him to come back for at least a half an hour.

Today I am very lonely.  The house is too quiet, and even having Joyce and Nita here to play with me has not made it better.

Navidson is coming over for dinner tomorrow.  I miss him so much!


  1. AA, life can be such a wild ride at minute you were pleading for help to send your buddy home and now you miss him not worry though, humans are the same all gets waaaaaaaay too confusing at times.....have fun with your good toys and enjoy Navidson's next trip over.....

  2. Hi, Anzio!

    I miss my friends too. You and Navidson came to see me, and then I went with Diana to meet my new friends. Bandit and I liked to play, even if we did get a little too rough sometimes, but now I'm back in Michigan and I have NO ONE to play with me. Worse, I can't even go play outside because there is all this STUPID, COLD white stuff that comes up almost taller than me, and I don't like when it touches my belly...or anything else other than my legs.
