Friday, January 17, 2014

More Throwing Up

I didn't want to go back to the little house on Thursday morning.  I stayed in bed when Marty and Lyle got up, and then when Lyle called me downstairs I figured out what he wanted and went right back up to bed.  Eventually he made me go outside and play a little fetch, which was okay, but it was only a ploy to make me get in the car!

I threw up on the way to the little house.  Marty says we are going to start putting towels down before we go places so the car will be easier to clean up.  I say we wouldn't have to clean up the car if we just stopped riding in it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there AA, you are back......thought you had headed for the hills someplace.....sorry to hear that you have been getting car sick a lot lately but there is good news on the are close to the age and size now that if you keep driving around with your humans you should soon be over the car sickness stage...and then you will want to actually drive across country.......think of all the great places to run around and explore on a trip like that.......whoooohhoooooo......I tried to warn you back at Christmas that more school was coming....but at least you get to see your friends and find meatballs......not such a bad gig........hang in there with the car will pass.......
