Thursday, January 23, 2014


I am too big for my box.  No, really, when I stand up in my box my back touches the top.  And besides, I am getting to be a big dog and I don't think I should have to spend all day locked up in a tiny box.  I could have a lot of fun customizing the house if the crazies would just leave me out.

On Monday I had to go in the box first thing in the morning, like usual, and Marty was only home for about an hour and a half at lunch AND we didn't go to the park.  Then the crazies came home for just like ten minutes, took me out of the box, let me go outside, and then PUT ME RIGHT BACK IN THE BOX FOR LIKE THREE HOURS!  I hate them so much.

When they got home we played find the meatballs for a while because they were trying to make it up to me, but I was still mad.

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