Tuesday, January 28, 2014


My nice run of not having to go in the car came to a screeching halt tonight.

We had dog school and Miss Jessica didn't cancel it, even though it was VERY cold.  I wore my special fake fur and I got a cookie before we left and Lyle rode in the back with me.  I did drool, but not as much as sometimes and no one threw up.  Marty thinks maybe we are making progress.

Usually when we do nosework, only one dog gets to be inside at a time, and the other dogs all have to wait in their cars.  (I don't really mind being in the car for this, because I know I will get to get out and go look for meatballs.)  But it was so cold that Miss Jessica said we had to come inside because otherwise we might freeze.  So we brought my crate and I had to wait in it in between turns.  I did not like that plan very much.  (Why couldn't I have just laid on the floor next to Marty?  Or maybe she could have brought my mat in, but no.)

I did find all the meatballs though, and we got to search in a two new rooms that we hadn't used before.  This is a picture of me searching for meatballs.  Even though I know this looks about as messy as the little house always looks, actually Miss Jessica does a lot of work to make better places to hide meatballs.  I even found meatballs STUCK ON WALLS tonight!

1 comment:

  1. AA....maybe you should come look for meatballs at the big dogs house......I found meatballs stuck on the walls as well but they were not hidden there as part of any training.......
