Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hanging Out At H. Bill's

I am missing Lyle.  And I am not the only one!

Yesterday morning I got locked in the box as usual.  So much for my hope that Marty had finally seen reason and was going to let me stay out.  Thankfully, Joyce and Nita came and rescued me.  When they left, I had to go back in again.  Boo.

Marty came home early and got me, and we were going to walk to the park (YAY!), but then we saw Joyce and Nita and Lilly driving up, so we turned around so I could play with Lilly.  I wish Joyce and Nita would bring Lilly over more often!  

After we'd played for a little while we did go to the park, but in the CAR.  Boo.  I drooled a lot but I didn't throw up.  Navidson was already there, and I REALLY, REALLY wanted to get there and play, but Marty was making a big deal about tight leashes again.  I am really tired of hearing about that.  When we FINALLY got to the park, I had a good time with Navidson.  He has a new toy that he let me share.  I do not like to share frisbees, and Marty said we will have to do more work on "Trade" again.  When we left the park I was mostly so good on my leash, and Marty said nice things.  She even said nice things to Dan.  

When we got back from the park, I had to go back in my box even though I am usually allowed out then.  I was mad, but I was also tired from the park.  I was in there a LONG time.  Then finally, Marty came home and got me.  But I had to go in the CAR.  I got to ride in the front seat because H. Bill's littermates were in the back.  We went to their house.  I drooled a lot, and Marty thought I was going to throw up, but I didn't.

When we got there I got to meet a lot more of H. Bill's family and show off a few of my tricks.  I didn't even get to smell H. Bill though.  He was napping with his grandhuman and pretty soon he went to bed.  I was practicing laying on my mat (and doing a little investigating to see if H. Bill had hidden any treats for me) when his littermate came down to say goodnight.  He gave everyone kisses, so I was going to give him kisses, but he said, "No kisses for you!"  This is why I like H. Bill best!

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