Friday, January 17, 2014

So Gross!

After I got done finding meatballs on Tuesday night we had to get back in the car to go to the farm.  We got to go to Sonic, which was nice, and I got a burger, but I still hate being in the car.

We hadn't been at the farm in a long time, so Lyle and I had to go check on things.  I may or may not have snacked on some deer poop while we were out.  When we got back to the house, I threw up again!  It was really, really, really gross.  Marty had to clean it all up because Lyle cleaned up the throw up in the car.  There may or may not have been deer poop in the throw up.

Marty was a little worried about me, but when I tried to kiss her and tell her I was okay, she didn't want me to.  I do not understand humans.

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